NYHIMA Webinar Series - Physician Documentation Excellence Session 1 - A Structural Framework
Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 12:00 PM EST
Category: Online Education Session
Session 1 - A Structural Framework Register for Session 1 Here!Physician Documentation Excellence versus Clinical Documentation Integrity, there is a distinct difference with far different processes and outcomes. The CDI profession is at a turning point with HIM professionals being able to capitalize on the opportunity to make inroads into the Physician Documentation Excellence space. HIM has been at a severe disadvantage in making inroads in the CDI space. A plan of attack is to recognize the medical record as a communication tool first and foremost and that the only individual who can achieve better documentation is the physician with the guidance and assistance of HIM subject matter experts in all aspects of documentation. Attendees will be able to understand and identify Physician Documentation Excellence, recognize common documentation deficiencies that lead to medical necessity and clinical validation denials, and learn and be able to apply the standards for documentation, particularly in History & Physical and Progress Notes. Additionally, attendees will engage in an interactive discussion applying these standards to case studies related to medical necessity and clinical validation denials. Overall Objectives
SpeakerGlenn Krauss, BBA, RHIA, CCS, CCS-P, CPUR, CCDS, C-CDI, C-DAM Glenn Krauss is a well-recognized & respected subject matter expert in the revenue cycle with an emphasis & focus upon collaborating & working closely with physicians in promoting, advocating for, educating & achieving sustainable improvement in clinical documentation that accurately reflects & reports the communication of fully informed coordinated patient care. He possesses 25 plus years of progressive practical hands-on experience in clinical coding & documentation improvement, subscribing to the philosophy that quality of medical record documentation strongly correlates with overall quality of care & the overall achievement of a high performing revenue cycle. What sets Glenn apart in the clinical documentation improvement arena is the recognition of clinical documentation effectiveness, accuracy, completeness & contextual consistency as fundamentally integral with all components of the revenue cycle. $39 NYHIMA Members and free for Student Members