Corporate Partnerships

Benefits to a Corporate Partnership with NYHIMA:

  • Discount booth and priority placement at NYHIMA's Annual Conference.
  • 25% discount on advertising rates in NYHIMA's Annual Conference Program.
  • Corporate Sponsor to be featured on NYHIMA's website with a company logo and link to company website.
  • A member listing on the Corporate Sponsor Page to include company name, contact name, email, and phone number.
  • One representative on the NYHIMA mailing list for notification of all educational programs. Company representative could take advantage of our educational opportunities at the special member price.
  • Ability to submit open positions to the NYHIMA Job Board at No Charge!

Annual Dues

Annual dues for Corporate Partners are $500.  Membership is for one (1) year (from July 1 to June 30).  Dues will not be prorated for a partial year.


Any corporation interested in the purposes of the New York Information Management Association (NYHIMA) is eligible for corporate partnership.  Each corporate partner shall designate one (1) individual who receives the rights and privileges of corporate partnership for one (1) year [as described below].  Subsidiaries, affiliates, and divisional companies are not included under the corporate partnership of the parent corporation but are eligible for corporate partnership in their own right.

Corporate Partner Application: Click Here

If you should have any questions please call NYHIMA's Central Office at 518-435-0422 or email [email protected].