Social Media Guidelines
NYHIMA’s social media outlets, Facebook, X, and LinkedIn are primary reference points for members of the Association and for those interested in the HIM field. As such, it is important that NYHIMA’s communication efforts on these outlets is strategic and relevant.
These policies and procedures apply to all social media accounts, pages, sites and groups set up using NYHIMA’s name or acronym in the title including, but not limited to: Facebook, X, and LinkedIn postings. This policy will also apply to any future social media accounts, sites and postings created using the NYHIMA name.
- The President, President-Elect, Communications Chair and any additional NYHIMA members approved by the current President and Communications Chair comprise the social media monitoring team and will assume primary responsibility for posting items. They will have access as administrators and/or content creators and will also have final approval over content to be posted.
- The sites will be used to promote webinars, events, legislative issues and news generated from the NYHIMA and HIM community in order to best serve the membership at a minimum of two postings per month.
- Content will be comprised of relevant material to the HIM field including articles, surveys, videos, and news events.
- Neither the Facebook or LinkedIn account will feature material(s) that promote a single individual or organization seeking extended publicity without consent from the social media monitors.
- All pages/sites/accounts/groups set up under NYHIMA’s name or acronym will be monitored by the monitoring team or designee.
- All social media sites:
- All posting requests from outside sources must be made to the Communications Chair.
- The Communications Chair will pass along any questionable items to the President and President-Elect for final confirmation.
- Any Board member or member of the Association may suggest a news item to be posted however all news items must have the approval of the Communications Chair and President in order to be posted.
- The monitoring team must approve the opening of all accounts under NYHIMA’s name.
- Social media sites will be open to public comment/postings at the discretion of the monitors. Postings or comments may be deleted and/or disabled at the discretion of the monitors.
- Postings requesting donations or financial contributions may be deleted at the monitors’ discretion.
- On Facebook, X, and LinkedIn, NYHIMA’s administrators will post NYHIMA sponsored events (including CLA events) and national conferences of related organizations – at the discretion of the monitors.
- Postings about educational opportunities offered by members, CLA’s and others:
- Any member can post HIM educational opportunities to the NYHIMA FB page under his/her own login/name. These postings will be viewed by the monitors and allowed on the page as long as they are appropriate and taught by appropriately trained professionals.
- The NYHIMA administrators will not promote any specific paid trainings through social media (unless an exception is deemed appropriate by the President and Communications Chair).